Saturday, December 6, 2008

Holiday Babies

If you're wondering where we've been, the answer is simple -- helping two new moms with their newborn babies. I consider that an acceptable reason for not blogging.

The lovely mom picture above is Mary, and her new daughter, Bethlehem, Beth for short. Perfect holiday names! Right now, I'd like to share a brief summary of Mary's story. I hope you enjoy. I'm sure you'll discover why Bethany House is so important to the community.

Our very own Mary was born and raised in Ethiopia, Addis Ababa. Although a poor country, Mary was able to attend school. As a young adult, eager to embrace a better life, she entered a lottery that would allow her to immigrate to the US. Mary “won” one of those coveted spots and arrived here in March. She hadn’t been traveling alone, though. Unbeknownst to her, she was carrying a baby inside.

Her pregnancy was a tremendous shock. Pregnant without a husband, in her country, is absolutely unacceptable. Now, not only is Mary ashamed - She is in a foreign county. She has very limited English skills. Her condition has placed her in a financial dilemma with no way to obtain employment. Uncertain what to do, she confided in one person, who confided in yet another, who knew about Bethany House. This person made the call to inquire about Mary entering the program. During the initial interview it was obvious just how much Mary needed the assistance and acceptance Bethany House offered. She was literally lost with no one to help.

While at Bethany House, Mary has grown immensely and in so many ways. Her language skills have improved. The family like environment and her commitment to taking ESL classes have helped this process. She has gained a greater understanding of American culture, including how to navigate public transportation! She has become a much more confident woman, and all in time for the arrival of her precious daughter, Bethlehem. Yes, Mary and baby Bethlehem.
Beth - for short - was delivered via an emergency C-section on 11/14/08, weighing in at 6 lb 12 ounces. Both mom and baby are thriving. Thank goodness they are here!

Right now, Little Beth is receiving so much love from her own enat (Amharic for mother). Let us celebrate this happy new beginning.

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