Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Education at Bethany House

Without education, it is difficult to succeed in today's world. With fewer jobs and a very competitive market, "getting ahead" takes at the very least a high school diploma and some specialized training program.

Unfortunately, many teen or young pregnant women have not completed high school, let alone college. Even with more supportive services within high schools, often times, these girls still feel out of place, or judged by their peers. As their bodies change their shame increases, leading them to choices they later regret. They quickly discover as they seek employment that opportunities are not easily available for uneducated individuals. They find themselves stuck in dead end jobs with little room for advancement. We all know that in this era a minimum wage job does not provide enough for a mother and her child. Not to mention, the added financial stress of daycare and health insurance, benefits that these women often lose by working full time in a low-paying job.

Talk about a catch 22! Thankfully, one of the areas that Bethany House puts such great emphasis on is education. This included education about parenting, the birth process, motherhood, life skills, and so much more. It also means helping residents return to school to obtain a GED or diploma and making plans for future education goals.

At times, financial supporters have partnered with Bethany House to pay for advanced learning for residents. These generous providers realize the impact an educated woman will have on the workforce and the community, and, of course, in her own home. Breaking the cycle of poverty is process. It takes community partners, organizations, and individuals that care, working together to help young mothers achieve success. In turn, their successes touch the lives of their children, leading to future change -- for the better.

If you care about young, pregnant women and their futures, you will want to learn more about partnering with Bethany House. There's a great opportunity to do just that in the upcoming month. On November 14, that's a Friday, Bethany House is presenting a "Keep the Dream Alive" Fundraiser. The cost to attend is FREE. Yep. Free. You come and eat, learn, and enjoy an evening of fellowship and fun, while learning about the amazing life saving and life changing work of Bethany House.

To learn more visit: http://www.bethanyhousenet.org/. You can make a secure donation online at the website. Help us educate women allowing them to become the women they were created to be. Thank you!

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